Experiences for conscious travelers

Picture: Vivek Gandhi

Nossas experiências são desenhadas para pessoas que buscam se descobrir e se transformar, deixando rastros de cuidado por onde passam.

Autenticidade e transformação

Buscamos realizar vivências que beneficiem comunidades tradicionais, ajudem na conservação da biodiversidade e possam mudar visões de mundo, quebrando paradigmas e estereótipos.

Acreditamos no potencial transformador de apresentar novas realidades,
promover conexões verdadeiras e incentivar a valorização da cultura tradicional.


Barco "Dona Rita"

Experiências imersivas na natureza, protagonizadas por moradores locais e com a realização de atividades que fazem parte do seu cotidiano, permitindo o contato com a biodiversidade do local e a cultura tradicional. Para quem busca viagens em grupo ou com atividades de impacto socioambiental, conheça as vivências!


Viagem Online Conexão Baré, com indígenas da Amazônia

Vivências realizadas em tempo real, através de uma plataforma de videochamada, com foco em atividades de troca cultural, aprendizados conectados à realidade tradicional e aos saberes dos protetores da floresta. Uma forma mais inclusiva, interativa e sustentável de conhecer a cultura dos povos tradicionais da Amazônia.

Through our travels:

Live an authentic experience

Promote transformations


The views, opinions and impacts of those who traveled with us

"Last week I left home for the Amazon on a trip that I wasn't quite sure what to expect. My personal goal was to try to help riverside communities but somehow in the end, I don't who got more help ... This trip moved me, changing my heart and my mind. Thank you Braziliando and all the people I met that made this trip unforgettable. "
Anna Paula Garcia
Voluntourism Expedition
"The Amazon is beautiful ... to experience the place as it really is and still have the opportunity to generate a positive impact for the riverside population is indescribable! We learn infinitely more than we propose to teach. My thanks for the competence of Braziliando that, besides the creation of this beautiful trip, was impeccable in everything. Gratitude for the team that worked hard and made this experience so wonderful!"
Cristal Mostacada
Voluntourism Expedition
"How much love there is there, how many smiles, how much peace, how much teaching, how much richness ... The Amazon is ao rich in positive feelings, with so many beautiful things. Thank you to @brazilian.do for helping to provide such enriching days, in many ways. "
Izabela Cavalhal
Community Based Tourism
"I can't put into words everything I lived in the 4 days in this community. I can only say it was the most beautiful days of my life. The Amazon Rainforest is amazing, but even more amazing are the people who live there."
Nathália Segato
Community Based Tourism