Quilombola Immersion

Uma oportunidade de se conectar com a natureza, viver momentos de reflexão, contribuir com a geração de renda e valorizar a cultura afro-brasileira.

The experience includes:

Traditional homestay

Breakfast, lunch and dinner in the community

Outdoor activities and connecting with nature

Immersion in local culture and customs

Fair pay and community involvement

The Community

Quilombo da Fazenda is located on the north coast of São Paulo, in one of the most preserved areas of Atlantic Forest in the state: Mata Atlântica the Parque Estadual Serra do Mar 

There are approximately 72 families in the community, making a living from activities such as handicrafts and the community-based tourism

This territory is home to waterfalls, trails, stories and, above all, the resistance of a forest and a people fighting against exploitation. 


Quilombos are territories that are home to shared experiences and practices of black people that help preserve and affirm their ways of life. 

They are the result of the centenary struggle of black people for freedom to express their cultures, religions and thoughts.

Quilombos are places of resistance, ancestry, preservation and legacy

Connection and Reflection

Connect with nature and the ancestry of quilombola culture! The experience is an opportunity for rest, renewal and learning.

Immerse yourself in this journey of flavors, knowledge and senses, valuing tourism led by black people and ancestral culture.


Get ready for a collective journey that includes nature and cultural activities, led by people who are heirs to a wealth of traditional knowledge.


Culinária local

Taste the region's typical dishes. Some ingredients are produced by the community itself 

Modo de fazer único

Traditional cuisine is a fusion of local ingredients and unique know-how. Each food used and the recipe itself tells the story of the place and its people.


The itinerary includes a cooking workshop to help you connect with the roots of the local culture.


We will be staying with a quilombola family. 

Accommodation will be in a shared room. The rooms have 2 double beds, 2 single beds and 2 bunk beds with 2 beds each.

The house has 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, kitchen and veranda. 


Roda de conversa

Hear the stories of the quilombo from a local resident. 

Oficina de culinária tradicional

Learn to make typical community dishes with the help of a skilled cook. 

Trilha na mata

On the trail, besides to
hearing a bit about the local history, you'll get to know some species that are at risk of extinction, such as the Juçara palm tree
juçara e jatobás centenários.

Banho de rio

At the end of the walk, a swim in the river to wash the soul away. 

Entre na roda pra "jongar"

The Jongo is a dance that rescues traditional quilombola culture. A celebration that connects the past with the present and invites people of all ages to honor black culture.

Boneca Abayomi

Learn how to make the Abayomi doll: a symbol of resistance, love and protection. Learn about its history and meaning. 

E muito mais!

Through a "logbook" we will take a few moments to reflect and look for ways to build a more diverse and just world. 

More info

Date of experience

From May 30th to June 2nd, 2024


The experience will begin in the quilombo and transportation to and from your place of origin to the community is not included. However, we encourage participants to arrange a ride (if possible) and the community can help with information about public transportation from Paraty (RJ) and Ubatuba (SP).

The itinerary includes
  • Homestay accommodation
  • The meals during the period in the community (breakfast, lunch and dinner);
  • Activities described in the itinerary;
The itinerary doesn't include
  • Transportation to and from the community;
  • Travel insurance;
  • Vaccination and testing costs;
  • Cost of issuing passport and obtaining consular visas, if necessary;
  • Language interpreter for non-Portuguese speaking participants if required;
  • Extra expenses (such as meals, transportation and activities), when exceeding those included in the itinerary;
  • Café da manhã no primeiro dia da vivência (sábado, 18/11) e almoço e jantar no último dia (segunda, 20/11);
  • As well as everything not mentioned in the item "The itinerary includes".
  • Keep in mind that everything is very simple and that the quilombola community doesn't have the structure of the cities, which can make this experience even more genuine and transformative.

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