Experiences for conscious travelers

Picture: Vivek Gandhi

Para apoiar comunidades amazônicas, através da geração de oportunidades e da valorização cultural, oferecemos experiências de viagem presenciais de turismo de base comunitária (TBC) e de volunturismo e experiências online, que você pode participar do conforto da sua casa. Se você tem um espírito aventureiro e busca se apaixonar pela vida, se descobrir e se transformar, deixando rastros de cuidado e responsabilidade por onde passa, vem com a gente!

Baré Amazon


Vivencie a Amazônia como um verdadeiro local, por conta própria ou com seus acompanhantes e na data de sua preferência.

Viagem Online

Viagem Online Conexão Baré, com indígenas da Amazônia

Embark on an immersive, interactive and online trip with the indigenous Baré people of the Amazon forest and support the community in the pandemic.

Online Learning Experience (VOA!)


Participe de um intercâmbio cultural sem sair de casa e contribua para a ampliação de oportunidades para comunitários indígenas e ribeirinhos.

Vivência em grupo na Amazônia

Conexão Interior

Uma viagem pra fora e pra dentro. Saia da sua zona de conforto para vivenciar por uns dias, e em datas pré-determinadas, a realidade amazônica com outros viajantes.

Picture: Vivek Gandhi

Through our travels:

Live an authentic experience

Promote transformations


The views, opinions and impacts of those who traveled with us

"Last week I left home for the Amazon on a trip that I wasn't quite sure what to expect. My personal goal was to try to help riverside communities but somehow in the end, I don't who got more help ... This trip moved me, changing my heart and my mind. Thank you Braziliando and all the people I met that made this trip unforgettable. "
Anna Paula Garcia
Voluntourism Expedition
"The Amazon is beautiful ... to experience the place as it really is and still have the opportunity to generate a positive impact for the riverside population is indescribable! We learn infinitely more than we propose to teach. My thanks for the competence of Braziliando that, besides the creation of this beautiful trip, was impeccable in everything. Gratitude for the team that worked hard and made this experience so wonderful!"
Cristal Mostacada
Voluntourism Expedition
"How much love there is there, how many smiles, how much peace, how much teaching, how much richness ... The Amazon is ao rich in positive feelings, with so many beautiful things. Thank you to @brazilian.do for helping to provide such enriching days, in many ways. "
Izabela Cavalhal
Community Based Tourism
"I can't put into words everything I lived in the 4 days in this community. I can only say it was the most beautiful days of my life. The Amazon Rainforest is amazing, but even more amazing are the people who live there."
Nathália Segato
Community Based Tourism