Baré Amazon

Set off on your own or with your friends and stay in a riverside village surrounded by nature, create a true connection with those born and raised in the forest, discover their customs and experience the delights and challenges of living in the Amazon!
The itineraries include
Traditional homestay
Discovery activities described in the itinerary
Breakfast, lunch and dinner during the entire stay
Community contribution fee
Digital travel manual and travel check-list.
The Community
Você vai vivenciar o dia-a-dia de comunidade ribeirinha da etnia Baré onde vivem cerca de 40 famílias. Muitos vivem do artesanato, da pesca e do roçado.
Você vai se hospedar no coração da Amazônia, dentro de uma Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. O aeroporto mais próximo é o de Manaus (AM) e de lá até a comunidade só existe um caminho: o rio.
Você vai dormir na casa de uma família local. Hoje, são 2 quartos para os viajantes, um com cama de casal e outro, de solteiro.
Você vai provar a comida regional preparada pelas mãos habilidosas dos anfitriões. Saboreie as delícias típicas como bolo de macaxeira, banana frita, beiju e tucumã.
Roteiro Açaí
3 noites e 4 dias
Caminhada interpretativa na mata
Community tour
Chat in the flour house
Handicraft workshop and exposition
R$3.404,00 para uma pessoa via PIX/transferência bancária ou em até 12x via PayPal (com taxas)
Roteiro Tucumã
4 noites e 5 dias
- Caminhada interpretativa na mata
- Community tour
- Chat in the flour house
- Grafismo indígena
- Canoeing
- Saberes tradicionais
- Handicraft workshop and exposition
R$4.213,00 para uma pessoa via PIX/transferência bancária ou em até 12x via PayPal (com taxas)
More info
Unlike the group expedition, there are no pre-determined dates for the Baré Amazon experience. You can embark at any time, subject to the community's availability. não há datas pré-determinadas para a Amazônia Baré. Você pode embarcar em qualquer época, verificada a disponibilidade da comunidade.
Discovery activities
Realize diferentes atividades para vivenciar o dia-a-dia amazônico, conhecer mais sobre os costumes locais e se conectar à natureza.
Visita à Comunidade
Conheça, com o seu condutor o centro comunitário, a escola indígena, o roçado, a casa de farinha, o campo de futebol e cada cantinho especial do lugar onde viverá esses dias.
Navegue de canoa a remo pelo rio, ouça os sons da floresta e observe a vida aquática durante o pôr-do-sol. Na cheia, dá até para passear pelos encantadores igapós (floresta alagada).
Caminhada interpretativa na mata
Chat in the flour house
Em uma conversa descontraída com as farinheiras descubra como a mandioca se transforma na famosa farinha usada no dia-a-dia amazônico e aproveite para mexer a farinha no grande forno artesanal.
Oficina de artesanato
Saberes tradicionais
O conhecimento dos povos originários é algo único. Escute suas histórias e descubra o poder das plantas da floresta.
Grafismo indígena
Conheça mais da cultura local, descobrindo os significados dos grafismos e aprendendo a reproduzi-los.
Cozinhando com os Baré
Da floresta até a mesa, existe uma tradicional e potente arte do cozinhar, que transforma os ingredientes em pratos nutritivos e saborosos.
Got excited?

Request your reservation by filling out the form.
Local partners
He moved from Santa Isabel do Rio Negro (northern Amazon) in the 1990s to settle with his family in the Lower Rio Negro. In addition to performing a leadership role, he is the health agent in the community.

Son of José, Jua was the manager and teacher of the indigenous school and today supports his father in the political leadership of the community. He recently completed his degree in Biology from the Amazonas State University (UEA).

This skilled artisan is also the host of our travelers in the Community-Based Tourism experience. Walmir is always around and doing his best to make each visitor feel good and welcome in the community.

Walmir's wife and mother of 4 charming children, she learned from her mother how to make crafts. Besides always having that smile on her face, she makes a mouth-watering tapioca cake and cares for our travelers with great affection.

A sweet woman that loves talking with travelers while mastering the manioc flour production. Already retired, she continues to work in the fields and likes to make her own flour instead of buying it in the market. To do so, she gets up early to get the cassava in the fields and process it. She has never seen the sea, doesn't the city and is proud of its culture.

Dona Arlete
Also known by her indigenous name Tikira, she is a strong, sweet woman of contagious laughter and unique wisdom. She loves to chat and pass down all her wisdom while producing manioc flour.

Dona Sônia
Our expert in all local flora and fauna! He's our guardian and a great source of wisdom and learnings in the forest trail. His extensive knowledge of plants allows him to identify those that can be used as medicine, as covering for homes, as typical clothing and even as a natural repellent.

Son of the community leader, he has a great connection with the forest! By the way, one of his favorite hobbies, as an ex army photographer, is to go alone in the middle of the igapós and spend hours taking pictures of birds.

No phone. Conventional cell phones and 3G/4G networks do not work in much of the forest. It is possible to access the internet at times, but you will see how wonderful it is to stay for a few days connected to nature and the people around you!
As a cautious action, we recommend arriving in Manaus at least one day before the date scheduled for you to begin the experience. We also recommend the flight to return to your city of origin (or to your next destination) take off, at least, one day after the day you arrive in Manaus returning from your experience in the community.
When your trip is confirmed, we will email you a travel guide with a list of what to bring and other important information. Read the manual very carefully!
The State Secretariat of Environment (SEMA) requires the vaccination certificate against COVID-19. The Ministry of Health recommends, for those visiting the region, vaccination against yellow fever, which must be taken at least ten days before entering the Amazon. To find out if you need other vaccinations and if you are in good health to participate in this experience, please consult your doctor.
No. However, we will share through our travel guide alternative accommodation and experiences we have enjoyed a lot in the region. We recommend that you spend a few days in the city if your schedule allows it 🙂
Only accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
As the interaction with animals in tourist activities is often done without proper control, presenting risks to travelers and wildlife, Braziliando does not include animal interaction activities in the itineraries and we do not recommend travelers to do so. Our travelers stay in the heart of the forest and have the opportunity to observe wild animals in their natural habitat. Past travelers have seen Amazon river dolphins (boto) during canoeing, alligators during boat crossings, macaws and parrots returning to their homes at the end of the day and animals of different species during the forest trail. If you would like to know a little more about this issue, we recommend reading this article from National Geographic.
Of course there are risks such as the possible presence of dangerous animals, currents and weather events. But you will be led by locals who know the area thoroughly and will take the necessary precautions to enjoy your experience safely.
We recommend hiring a health insurance for the entire period of the itinerary that includes coverage of adventure activities. The insurance must be purchased from companies that are specialized in the field and your policy should be emailed to Braziliando before the itinerary start date.
Out of respect for local customs and to prevent your experience from having negative impacts on communities, you should refrain from all kinds of intoxicants. In our conduct manual you will find guidelines for having a harmonious experience with nature and with community members.
Accommodation will take place at the home of a local family, located in a riverside community in the Amazon rainforest. Keep in mind that the community is located in a rural area that does not have the same infrastructure as the cities. The guest room is quite simple and has a double bed (with mosquito net) and hammocks. The shower has no heated water (but the Amazonian temperature is usually high). Although it has a generator, which is turned on at certain times of the day and night, the community can run out of power if it has a problem. Conventional phones and 3G / 4G network do not work in much of the forest and wi-fi is restricted. Connect only with yourself, the people around you, and nature!